M.S University Examination Guidelines

M.S University Examination Guidelines

Assignment (Subjective Assessment):

  • The subjective assignments are based on the course outcome for every subject.
  • There would be 2 choice type questions of marks 12.5 each (Long Answers).
  • The questions would be based on the course outcome and a rubric would be displayed for the student for the same.
  • The students would need to download the questionnaire from LMS, write the response sheet on LMS and upload on the assignment submission tab on LMS.


• The University evaluators would assess and enter the marks in the system for every subject for every student in case of subjective assessments.
Semester End Examinations:
  • The semester end examinations have 75% weightage.
  • Based on the academic calendar of the university, the exam form would be opened through the website.
  • The university controller of exams declares the exam for various programs offered by the university.
  • The students must submit the exam form during this period for the forthcoming exam cycle. Refer Academic Calendar.
  • Students should successfully submit all their assignments before the semester end exam.

Online Examinations Conduction:

  • Students need to have their laptops / desktop with camera for the Online Proctored Examination process. Student should also ensure they have access to good internet connectivity. Online exams cannot be given through Tablets or mobile phone.
  • Exam for Each Subject would be conducted as follows:
    (i) 75 objective type questions of 1 mark each.
  • The duration for online exams would be of 3 hours.
  • The student logs in on the computer start attempting the questions and enters the response in the system for every question.
  • Results are declared within 45 working days from last date of exam. Mark sheets would be generated with 15 working days from date of declaration of result. Refer Academic Calendar for details.

Project Guidelines

  • For the programs which have project work at the end of the course, the students need to submit a project report in a hard bound copy.
  • The Project Guide would be the immediate supervisor where the student is working and undertaken the said project.
  • Project work would be around 80 to 100 pages as per the format provided by the university.
  • The students should refer the project guidelines as provided by the university
  • The project should be done by the student and must be original and should not be plagiarized.
  • The hard copy of the said project needs to be submitted before the start of the final examination.

For passing criteria for project work refer the website for respective guidelines.

Evaluation of Project:

  • Project Evaluation as below:
    Part - I
  • Understanding of the subject, conceptualization of the Key areas and innovative techniques/approach to problem scheme – 50 Marks
    Part - II
  • Viva, Report Writing and Presentation – 50 Marks
  • Project Work: Total Marks – 100


  • Every subject would have continuous evaluation and semester end online examination
  • Weightage on every subject: Continuous Evaluation: 25% and Semester End Exams: 75%
  • The continuous evaluation would be done through the learning management system, while the semester end examinations would be conducted in online mode; wherein the students would receive a link on their registered mail id before the exams start. Examinations would be conducted only for students who have filled the exam form as per the timelines communicated and students who have paid the exam fees.
  • The university follows the grading system for evaluation purpose please refers the university website for the same.
  • The semester end online exams information would be mentioned on university website and the same would be communicated to students well in advance.
  • Only after the semester end results are published the results would be displayed in e-mark sheet in the student LMS.

Passing Criteria

ProgramsPassing Criteria
Under Graduate40%
Post Graduate50%


