
B.A. English Degree Course introduces various literary avenues to the learners, familiarises them with the emerging literary works and theories that would enhance their academic expertise, to remember and understand the various factors that contribute for evaluation and analysis of the prescribed texts that in turn would open up new areas of literature and language for further study.




Semester 1
  1. [Part 1]பொது தமிழ் 1: தமிழ் இலக்கிய வரலாறு-I
  2. [Part 2] General English – I
  3. [Part 3] COREI -IntroductiontoLiterature
  4. [Part 3]COREII - Indian WritinginEnglish
  5. [Part 3]ELECTIVEI - SocialHistoryofEngland
  6. [Part 4] SkillEnhancementCourseI / SkillEnhancementCourse (Foundation Course)

Semester 2
  1. [Part 1] Paper II - Language (Tamil)
  2. [Part 2] Paper II - Language (English)
  3. [Part 3] COREIII -British Literature–I
  4. [Part 3] COREIV - American Literature
  5. [Part 3] ELECTIVEII - SocialHistoryofEngland -II
  6. [Part 4] SkillEnhancementCourse-SEC-2 / SkillEnhancementCourse -SEC-3

Semester 3
  1. Tamil / Other Language
  2. English – III
  3. British Prose
  4. Indian English Literature - I
  5. American Literature – I
  6. African Literature
  7. English for Competitive Examinations
  8. Yoga

Semester 4
  1. Tamil / Other Language
  2. English – IV
  3. British Fiction
  4. Indian English Literature - II
  5. American Literature – II
  6. Language and Linguistics
  7. Content Writing
  8. Computer for Digital Era

Semester 5
  1. Genre Studies
  2. Shakespeare
  3. Research Methodology
  4. Translation Theory and Practice
  5. Environment and Literature
  6. Marginal Literature
  7. Indian Literature in Translation
  8. Personality Development

Semester 6
  1. Literary Criticism
  2. Canadian Literature
  3. Australian Literature
  4. Fantasy Literature
  5. Global Literature
  6. Literature and Psychology
  7. Project (Individual)


  • 12th Standard Pass
